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User Deals: project774
Of all the minerals mined from the Earth, none is more useful than gold. Its usefulness is derived from a diversity of special properties.
Cassava Tubers
Cassava is a perennial plant with conspicuous, almost palmate (fan-shaped) leaves resembling those of the related castor-oil plant but more deeply parted into five to nine lobes. The fleshy roots are reminiscent of dahlia tubers. Different varieties range from low herbs to branching shrubs and slender unbranched trees. Some are adapted to dry areas of alkaline soil and others to acid mud banks along rivers.
Basket of Tomatoes
₦10,000.00 – ₦45,000.00
Tomatoes are the major dietary source of the antioxidant lycopene, which has been linked to many health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease and cancer.
Tomatoes are a good source of several vitamins and minerals:
- Vitamin C. This vitamin is an essential nutrient and antioxidant. One medium-sized tomato can provide about 28% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI).
- Potassium. An essential mineral, potassium is beneficial for blood pressure control and heart disease prevention (3Trusted Source).
- Vitamin K1. Also known as phylloquinone, vitamin K is important for blood clotting and bone health (4Trusted Source, 5Trusted Source).
- Folate (vitamin B9). One of the B vitamins, folate is important for normal tissue growth and cell function. It’s particularly important for pregnant women (6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source).
Palm oil
₦18,000.00 – ₦80,000.00
The oil palm tree produces high-quality oil used primarily for cooking in developing countries. It is also used in food products, detergents, cosmetics and, to a small extent, biofuel.
₦80,000.00 – ₦370,000.00
Name origin: The name appeared for the first time in works of the English botanist, physician and philosopher Caesalpinus in the 16th century.
Group – plutonic.
Colour: Pink-grey.
Structure: Massive, confining.
Texture: phaneritic (medium to coarse grained). , holocrystalline, pan-hypidiomorphically grained, porphyric in places.
Alterations: The rock is unaltered, feldspars are rarely sericitized
Major minerals of Granite: Orthoclase, quartz, biotite, muscovite and plagioclase, which is twinned according to the albite law and oscillatory zoned. Chemical composition of the core corresponds to oligoclase and andesine (An30-38), whereas more acidic oligoclase and andesine occur in the margin.
Accessory minerals of Granite: Zircon and apatite, mainly as inclusions in biotite, titanite, orthite, magnetite, pyrite.
Seseme Seed
₦4,500.00 – ₦14,500.00- Sesame seeds are derived from the sesame plant, which is one of the oldest oilseed plants in the world. It is extremely resilient and can be grown in a variety of climatic conditions. The Sesame seeds are very small in size, about 2 mm wide and 3-4 mm long. They are ensconced within small pods that line the plant’s axes.
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